

Therapy Services

  • Individual Trauma Therapy

    Experience Deep Healing & Balance in Wholeness

  • Group Trauma Therapy

    Find Healing and Community

  • Psychedelic Assisted Therapy & Integration

    Explore and Integrate Psychedelic Experiences

All Services & Payment options are subject to individual need, availability, and circumstances.

Please be sure to contact your therapist to discuss this in detail. 


On occasion your insurance company may reimburse for “out of network” providers.  We can provide you with a “superbill” (receipt) for your specific services and you can submit this to your insurance company for full or partial reimbursement. 

Sliding Scale:

When available all counseling services are offered on a sliding scale based on national federal poverty guidelines.​


New Client?

Sign up HERE Today!

Please submit your Contact Information to become a New Client.

You will be notified via email as soon as an opening is available to take on your case and begin treatment at Denver Holistic Therapy.

(720) 432-5213

121 S. Madison St., Suite A
Denver, CO 80209